Mark your calendars! Hearing Voices Network NYC is having its first-ever facilitator training for people that want to start their own Hearing Voices groups. The training will be 2 full days and will consist of hands-on/practical approaches to starting your own Hearing Voices group.
Dates: June 2nd-3rd, 2018
Where: Community Access in the East Village
Cost: TBD, but different prices for professionals/students/low-income, with some scholarships for voice-hearers
Who is teaching: Voice-hearers and people with lived experience of extreme states from the New York City community, plus some clinicians who have developed allied groups within institutional settings or in the community with co-faciliation
Why: Many people have approached us about wanting to start Hearing Voices groups in NYC, but don’t feel they have enough practical or ‘hands-on’ knowledge to start their own. This 2-Day facilitator training is an attempt to vitalize the Hearing Voices Network in NYC and help people feel ready to start their own group.
More information coming soon…