Welcome to Hearing Voices NYC: A Website Dedicated to the Hearing Voices Movement in the NY Metro Area
Many Voices. One Community. Changing the Conversation.
The Hearing Voices Movement is a partnership of people who hear voices, see visions, and have other unusual sensory experiences, mental health professionals, family members, activists, and friends, working together to: (1) unite voice-hearers with their friends, family, and allies into a cohesive network; (2) expand the availability of Hearing Voices Support Groups ; (3) share insights, support, and strategies to the voice-hearing community, mental health providers, and the public at large through lectures, events, consultations, and trainings, and (4) work towards improving quality of life for all voice-hearers by reducing societal stigma regarding hearing voices — an often misunderstood, but common human experience.
Eleanor Longden, psychologist in the U.K. & board member of Intervoice, on the ethos of the Hearing Voices Movement: